cooking gas news

Government to reduce cost of 6 kg gas Cooking gas cylinders

Cooking gas cylinders

Ruto said the price reduction of cooking gas cylinders would ensure a large number of people move to clean energy ditching firewood, charcoal and paraffin.

In addition, the head of state said the government will do away with the 8 per cent VAT that gas attracts in order to make gas more affordable.

Ruto stated that his government would crack down on cartels in the gas industry that have been exploiting Kenyans with high prices.

We want to begin to register every person who is filling gas, you must be licensed by the government of Kenya, he added.

He assured the public that he would deal with the issue by increasing supply and competition in the market.

Taifa Gas LPG cooking gas terminal in Mombasa.

Taifa Gas LPG terminal in Mombasa
Taifa Gas LPG terminal in Mombasa

To achieve his vision, the President recently opened the newly built Taifa Gas LPG terminal in Mombasa.

The terminal, which was launched last month, is expected to handle up to 200,000 metric tonnes of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) per year. Ruto believes that the terminal will boost the country’s energy sector and create opportunities for trade and investment in the region.

The President expressed his confidence that the Taifa Gas LPG terminal would increase supply and competition in the cooking gas market, ultimately leading to lower prices for Kenyans.

He added that his administration is committed to making Kenya a regional hub for energy and trade.

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